Книга Grand trunk heritage: Steam in New England (Railroad Heritage Press). Автор Philip R Hastings. Описание в оригинале: The Grand Trunk main line from Portland, Maine, through Island Pond, Vermont, to Montreal, Quebec, was a conveyor for international trade between these two important Eastern ports. Portland was an important connection for Montreal, especially when the St. Lawrence River was frozen for the winter, seasonal traffic of wheat and produce were the line's mainstay for many years. From steam to diesel, legendary photographer Phillip R. Hastings was there to capture it all on film. At the turn of the century in the 1900s, the Grand Trunk was handing over all of its lucrative traffic to the Canadian Pacific at North Bay. Investors were were convinced to back the Grand Trunk Pacific, a line that would run the length of Canada and terminate at Prince Rupert, British Columbia. The last section of railroad was completed between Winnipeg and Prince Rupert in 1914, but the company had already fallen on hard times. By 1919, the Grand Trunk Pacific was a ward of the Canadian Government, with many of the eastern lines absorbed by the Canadian National Railway, with the Grand Trunk Western emerging to operate lines in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. The Grand Trunk name persisted in New England for a few years longer, standing out from Canadian National 's other eastern subsidiary, the Central Vermont. Grand Trunk Heritage documents the waning years of the steam era on this interesting New England main line, from heavy freights and long passenger trains, to busy locals and switching yards. This updated and expanded edition includes a number of photos from the diesel era, into the Series: Railroad Heritage Press 48 стр. ISBN-10: 0931584035. ISBN-13: 978-0931584039. Мягкая обложка. На английском языке.
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